Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Boys!

It was bound to happen. The time when your mind rationalizes the packing of a child in your suitcase. This moment has come to me before and will probably happen again. I have come to love these kids over the course of a little over a month that I have been here and I can't bear the thought of leaving them. I will miss them a lot. I have enjoyed the time I've had with them and I will surely remember this summer for years to come.
As you can imagine, there are a few kids here that I have been able to form extra special bonds with and these are the ones that I will be packing in my suitcases, good thing I brought two!
First is Luke. He is a precious little 5 year old who has stolen my heart. He is the cutest little thing. I though he was Filipino the first time I saw him and he had an Aztec Indian hair cut until they buzzed it off. He has one of those wind up laughs that comes out when you tickle him or spin him around in circles. We have fun dancing together and playing karate kids together. I have been teaching him the basic Mr. Miyagi moves. We always start and finish our battles with an Asian bow.

Next is Eric. Eric is in my Primary class and he is 7 years old. He is smarter than he will let on and is a little charmer. He is one of the craziest, dramatic yet sweetest boy here. He has his moments of terror like any little boy would, but he can turn right around and be holding hands with the two younger girls in his house while escorting them home. It's no wonder why the girls are all little princesses here, the boys even if they are just 1year older than them, all act like big brothers to them and give them kisses and such. It is so precious. I think that is one good thing that orphanages can provide is a good family dynamic among the kids themselves. They take care of each other. Eric's English is pretty good and he enjoys art time as well.
There is however a catch with these two boys however. As much as I'd love to beg my parents to reconsider the amount of children they have ;) these two boys cannot be adopted by foreign families because they were dropped off at their orphanages and have no papers and therefore cannot be adopted unless they are adopted by a Chinese family. I would love to have these two boys become apart of someones family if not mine, so please pray that they will be able to find a good family here in China, or that the government might reanalyze their policies. :) I know it is going to be hard for Eric in the next few months as pretty much all of the kids in his class and around his age are matched and are going to be going home to America with their new families.
I love these boys and I am glad to have been able to spend my summer with them!
Here are some pictures of the boys and I.
 Eric being Chinese Bruno Mars at BBQ.
 Luke at VBS with the Panda team.
 Eric and I making our usual faces for the camera.
 Hands up and ready to Ninja fight, don't let the cute face fool you he is deadly!!
Posted by Mari

1 comment:

  1. Luke is my sponsor child! It is so great to know he is getting the love and attention from you guys! I love this sweet boy, even though I have never met him!

    This is the first time I have heard that Luke cannot be adopted by a foreign family! This breaks my heart! Especially since he needs heart surgery and it would be best to get that in the US. :( But I know God has a plan! Praying for him!

    If you get a chance, a video of Luke would be amazing!!! Maybe doing the Ninja moves? :)
